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Scored perfect 1000 on CCENT 640-822 Thank you how2pass!
My jaw dropped when I saw the score result.  I have never been so prepared for a test.  Given the hype, and being warned so much about the difficulty of these test, I was absolutely thrilled and well, disappointed given the experience.

Well on to 640-816.

I have never been so happy with 40 dollars spent.  ( If I didnt know better i'd say the exam questions taken here were similar to the real test) the familiarity, style, and experience right down the simulators.  Really was incredible.
Many congrats.

I agree with you re: this site. Sadly I Failed mine today with 731 out of 825 but then I didnt complete 10 questions as I ran out of time.

Still I am not too dissapointed, but reassured that if I can get so close after only 3 weeks intensive training (1 week boot camp) just imagine what I can do with a bit better time management. I had about 4 sims one of which took me 15 mins before I had beaten it into submission but that left my time badly compromised. Going to take a week off studying and go for a re-sit after another good two weeks intensive practise.

I should say it was the CCNA 802 exam I took

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