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Question about "recently added/updated"

I have a question to CCNA Test #08 Recently added/modified questions.

Modified means Cisco has changed a little thing in question or answers? e.g. other IP addresses?
Are these kind of questions moved from the "topic" area to Test #08 or they remain where they are and exist twice?

With third and second last update the number of over all questions remained the same (I think it were 869 questions). Only with the last update the total number of questions has increased to 926.

An explanation would be nice.

Best regards!
"Modified" means if we do any major change to a question, like changing its answer. Such modified question may be moved from its topic-wise test to the "Recently add/modified" section. Total count of questions is actual number of total questions. A question remains in one test only.

Total number of questions shown in the last test (Random Test) is automatic but on other pages of the website, a manual update script is run, and may be we forgot to run that script previously.

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