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Passed NEW Route Exam 642-902 on 09-07-2011
Most of the questions from how2pass, perhaps 4 or 5 new questions that are not from how2pass.
Labs 3 5 6 7

Score  860

100 eigrp
89  ospf
100  ebgp
100  ipv8
25  redistribution
33  layer 3 path control

Overall if you memorized all the questions from how2pass and studied labs 1-5 WHICH ARE EASY you can sacrifice labs 6 and 7 on the exam and still get nice score.  Since they just started this exam, they did not have lot of time to add new questions to it, so good time to take it would be right now 09-07-2011 before they add new questions.  The key to passing this exam is memorizing all the how2pass answers and memorizing labs 1-5.  Write out labs with a pen or open a notepad and type in commands from memory.

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