04-10-2009, 10:04 PM

Thank you how2pass. I normally don't write these messages but I'm very happy. I used how2pass to practice for both ICND1 and ICDND2 exams where I got 950 and 930 respectively.
Definitely for me ICND2 was more stressful as I'm more familiar with subnetting than routing but it turned out ok. I finished with 8 minutes to spare but I was super stressed halfway through as I got a bunch of difficult questions right at the start. The last 10 were a breeze.
The practice simulations were helpful. I ended up getting an OSPF sim in the exam and it was not exactly the same as in the practice sims here but I knew enough to figure it out obviously from studying here.
Thanks BATMAN! 8)
-toko, CCNA