Hi all,
Do any of you find find subnetting hard? Have you spent money on simple solutions which simply don't deliver? Are you confuesd by too many books showing different ways to subnet or colleagues expressing their opinions? Do you need to write out charts just to find your subnet?
I honestly believe I have come up with the easiest technique to learn to subnet and I guarantee that it does not involve charts, videos or any other resources that are not allowed in the exam. This simply uses your head and some VERY BASIC arithmetic.
Please view the post at
Cheers and happy subnetting!
I just visited your blog and I want to congratulate you on your effort. Guys, I recommend this subnetting tutorial.
Thanks for the thumbs up! I don't think I can get any better backing!
Chris ;D
I second that on this being a great tutorial, explained in a simple manner, and very easy to understand. So many people freak out when they have to subnet a class A or class B, because they are thinking that they have to do the math for more than one octet. You have explained it in a way that one could simply do the math on the octet in question...for example, the /19, only the third octet is the concern. Very good!
One question, I forgot...are you going to follow up with one on VLSM? Access-lists? Auto-summarization (supernetting)? I think that would be great.
I'm certainly open to suggestions and it still is very much work in progress. I'll definitely add supernetting at some point as I believe that is found it's way into the CCNA, and I was also looking at wildcard masks as opposed to the whole access-list thing, but if you think it is worth it I will add a whole access-list topic.
Actually, I would stick with the subnetting in general for now, by adding a section on VLSM, then supernetting (and how it applies to routing protocols), and then maybe acl's later. I remember when I was studying for CCNA, a lot of people kind of freaked out at the concept of VLSM because it took them a while to grasp the whole subnetting concept. The way you have explained it with examples in your tutorial, I think people would grasp the VLSM concept without too much fear of being overwhelmed. As for access-lists, they used to be part of the CCNP cirriculum, until I think 3 or so years ago.
Try this after reading your tutorial. If you know what your doing it is very uselful. If not you will find out very quickly. I also has hexidecimal and binary conversions. Considering how much subnetting is on these exams, we really need to know and understand how to figure the numbers out. ;D
i just found your post and i'm glad i did...thanks for the share...

Thanks for this tutorial! It is very useful to me since i am currently studying ccna. Before i can't figure out how to get the ip's from a mask but now i can even without any formula.. You're just amazing.