
Full Version: Just passed ENARSI with a 941 2nd attempt
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Hello Everyone, 

I passed ENARSI just now doing the online proctor option which I love. I failed the first attempt July 27, 2020 only 4 days after How2pass made ENARSI available to purchase and study. I mastered every section scoring 100% in every section except 1 which was a 94% within 3 days and on the 4th day I took the real exam and walked into an ambush lol. There were several questions on the exam that I didn't recognize at all from How2pass but I remembered moving forward. With that said, be careful with QID:AR010. It's similar to the question on the exam but how the ask the question has it going over to the other direction to from G0/01. Again if you read how Cisco ask the question on the actual exam and apply the same logic that they used on QID:AR010 and you will be fine. 

I believe the reason for my initial failure on July 27, 2020 was that I was exposed to how weak my understanding of BGP and I paid for it. I haven't used BGP since I worked at an ISP 20 years ago.  I watched several tutorials on BGP through which IS NOT A TEST PREP SITE by no means but they do help you with understanding the technologies through their tutorials. When I got finished with the BGP 18 hours worth of tutorials over there I logged back into to and seen they updated the recently modified questions section. Out of the 18 question there; I recognized every question from the real exam before my 2nd attempt which was today. As of right now How2pass ENARSI alone will help you pass the real exam. Make sure you are scoring 100 in every section. All but one question is identical to the real exam and that was QID: AR010 in which I attempted to explain earlier and I really hope I was able to make sense with explanation of the slight difference there. I hope I didn't violate the board rules. I have been using How2pass for 15 years and they have been the sole reason why I obtained my CCNA and CCNP in the past. I let it expire do to my constant overseas travel so my motivation just wasn't there but with all this time at home I wanted to make it worth it and How2pass helped me achieve that success again. Many thanks.
Congrats for your CCNP
Thanks a bunch. I'm in the process now of tackling some cloud and DevOps stuff now. I wish you the best on your journey as well.
I recently passed the ccnp test on my first attempt and can confirm what they said. I recognized every single question from the questions on this website, especially with the new updated ones too. There were also no simulations or simlets. Best of luck to all of you.
(08-29-2020, 02:05 PM)zshm826 Wrote: [ -> ]I recently passed the ccnp test on my first attempt and can confirm what they said. I recognized every single question from the questions on this website, especially with the new updated ones too. There were also no simulations or simlets. Best of luck to all of you.

Congratulations on your success!
Dump is valid, i passed today with score 965
(11-28-2020, 08:44 AM):)kvirsu Wrote: [ -> ]Dump is valid, i passed today with score 965
OKK Congratulations!!  how many questions had your exam?

(11-30-2020, 06:44 PM)John037 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-28-2020, 08:44 AM):)kvirsu Wrote: [ -> ]Dump is valid, i passed today with score 965
OKK Congratulations!!  how many questions had your exam?
How many new questions !!!